Segurilatam 013

HI-TECH FACIAL RECOGNITION COMPANY Herta Security is a world leader in the development of cutting-edge facial recognition solutions. The company offers last accurate, robust, end custo- mer oriented solutions for video surveillance, access control, and marketing requirements. Research Herta invests heavily in R&D to ensure a sustainable competitive advantage. Innovation Innovation is the key factor in our technological development, resulting in products becoming industry bechmarks. User-oriented We believe that the key to success in biometric applications is designing them with the end-users in mind. Herta es líder mundial en el d sarrollo de soluciones de r conocimi nto facial d vanguardia. La compañía ofrece las últimas soluciones precisas, robustas y orienta- das al cliente nal para video vigilancia, control de acceso y requisitos de marketing.      